Friday, 26 August 2011

Book of the Week

It would be fair to say that my ideal of ten pages per day has fallen by the wayside in the last few weeks. For the past two weeks I have worked full-time, been a wife and mother the rest of the time, and struggled with a killer sinus infection. But as I always say, there is always tomorrow. I have finally got a copy of the book club "book of the month", Dorothy Parker's The Sexes, (which looks like i could finish it in a weekend) which is perfect as book club is this Thursday.

So for my book of the week I am nominating a book I have been reading to my son, Dougal and Bumble and the long walk home, by Matt Dray.
A sequel to Dougal the Garbage dump bear, this tale follows Dougal and Bumble as they attend the teddy bear's picnic somewhere near the Gold Coast hinterland, and managed to get lost whilst singing Karaoke and drinking cocktails with a troublesome pig called Trevor. During their adventure, they learn to trust one another and the meaning of persistence and achieving a goal. All written with delightful tongue-in-cheek Aussie humour. I love this book and have given it and it's prequel to many friends as gifts for their kids as you will find it hard to tire of it's whimsy, even on the 400th read.

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